Call them designer purses, luxury handbags, or designer handbags; they are all beautiful and exemplify attention to detail and quality craftsmanship.
Some people can have one designer purse, while others may have a collection. When you look in your closet, you might decide you are ready to part with some of your luxury handbags so you can get quick cash and buy another. But where do you go in Spokane, WA, or its surrounding communities?
Pawn shops buy purses and pre-owned luxury handbags, and Axel’s Pawn Shop pays top dollar for them.
Louis Vuitton Luxury Handbags
Luxury handbags like a Louis Vuitton bag are considered one of the finer things to own in life. It is a representation of quality with its craftsmanship and materials. As one of the main luxury handbag brands, Louis Vuitton was established in1859 by Louis Vuitton when he opened a shop outside of Paris with 20 employees, and by 1900 he employed over 100 people. The company expanded quickly due to its craftsmanship and focus on protecting goods when customers traveled.
In 1886 Louis Vuitton and his son designed a single lock system for their trucks with two spring buckles still used today. Did you know that Harry Houdini could not escape from a Louis Vuitton box and lock?
By 1925 a dome-shaped designer purse was designed for personal use, and the demand for these bags was huge. Let’s fast-track into the 1990s. The company began to make significant waves in the fashion industry. In 1997, Marc Jacobs designed the first ready-to-wear line of handbags.
In the 2000s, the designer purse spoke to the younger generation and offered limited-edition bags to satisfy the customers’ appetites.
Designers in the company take painstaking precision in ensuring the handbags represent the company’s quality. Doing so provides customers with a luxury handbag as a timeless piece that will never go out of style.
Looking for a designer bag that represents pure elegance and craftsmanship. Look no more…buy a Prada the Name of Beauty.
If you have ever visited Italy and had the pleasure of walking the streets and seeing the sites, you will be moved by the country’s pure elegance.
Prada opened in 1913 in the prestigious Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II in Milan, Italy. Being the second-largest city in Italy, Milan is known as the economic heart of Italy. Known for its thriving fashion industry and world’s famous artworks, Milan was an excellent location for Mario Prada to open the first store. The store sold leather goods like bags, trunks, and traveler accessories.
Mario did not believe a woman should work outside the home; however, this quickly changed when his daughter, Luisa, took over the family business when his son did not want to. In 1970 Luisa’s daughter began helping in the industry by designing accessories.
By 1977 when Luisa’s daughter met Patrizio Bertelli, a young Italian Prada launched into a new direction. Patrizio had his own leather goods business, and he began marketing worldwide.
In 1989 Prada introduced a womenswear line that was a global success. Luxurious fabrics and colors and a sophisticated look appealed to the fashion world. Today, Prada designer handbags are sought after by many, and stores command top dollar for these bags. Prada signifies excellence and a refined style.
Gucci is a statement of sophistication.
In 1897 Guccio worked as a bellboy and enjoyed horseback riding. As he moved the trunks of travelers at the motel he worked at, he was impressed by the craftsmanship in the trunks carried by aristocrats. He knew he wanted to create his own company to craft these items.
In 1921 he opened his first store and faced the League of Nations embargo against Italy. He sought a solution, imported leather, woven hemp, and used pigskin and bamboo. By 1953 the Gucci brand opened in the United States.
In 1961 Jacqueline Kennedy was seen sporting a Gucci bag, which was subsequently named the Jackie. By the 1970s, Gucci was known for its shoes, bags, luggage, and accessories. Through ups and downs, the Gucci brand is known nationwide and worldwide. Men and women want to purchase Gucci handbags and purses as an example of artistry and sophistication in the fashion world.
There are several name-brand designer bags available on the market. Owning and modeling one may be considered one of the finer things in life for some people. Axle’s Pawn Shop has pre-owned pawn designer handbags at an affordable price.
Designer handbags range in cost from $50.00 to upwards of $45,000. Loro Piana currently has Sesia designer handbags made from luxury alligator skin, and these timeless statements of elegance have a price tag of $43,650.00. That price may make you gulp, but a Gucci Zumi Crocodile Medium Top Handle designer bag sells for $32,564, which is expensive for many people.
There are alternatives to buying designer handbags at a new price.
The market has several options if you are set on owning a luxury handbag at a reasonable price as part of the things on your finer things in life list. Online stores have used designer handbags as an alternative to new ones. You don’t need to pay top dollar at a big box store to fulfill your wish list.
Affordable Luxury Handbags at Pawn Shops
You don’t have to shop at big box stores and pay the price on the tag when pawn shops have a large inventory of luxury items at a bargain price.
Pawn shop handbags are authenticated and checked for quality before they are ever put out to sell so you can shop with confidence. Pawn brokers are skilled in making sure designer bags brought into their stores for sale or pawn are genuine. It wouldn’t make much sense to buy outright or lend on a fake designer purse, right?
Designer Bag Buying, Selling, Loaning Process
People go through their closets and dressers and identify luxury bags they are no longer using. They might want to sell or pawn designer handbags because they want to sell their gently used valuables for cash to spend elsewhere, or they may be in a financial pinch. Either way, most pawn shops consider all luxury items, including designer bags, Rolex, high-end watches, gold, silver, and luxury accessories, as an option for getting fast cash.
When customers bring a designer bag into the pawn shop, they are greeted by the pawn broker. The pawn broker is part of the pawn shop’s team of experts in valuing items and helping customers get what they need.
The pawn broker will look up the current market value of the bag by comparing a few different sources. The customer is aware of the process along the way, so they are “in the know.”
After the pawn broker gets a general idea about the current market value of the designer purse and what it will sell on the sales floor for, the knowledgeable pawnbroker will go through the process of authenticating the bag.
Some shops have trained pawn brokers who know the unique style, trademarks, and essential elements and design of the bags that make them what it is. Other pawn shops have authentication services or tools like Entrupy.
Axel’s Pawn Shop
Established in 1990 & in the same location for 30 years, the Karlson Family is the Fastest and friendliest pawnbroker around.
The experienced team will always offer you the highest value for your items. They are happy to accommodate you based on your needs. They will consult with you in person or over the phone.
A designer handbag is hard to resist, especially at an affordable price. At Axels Pawn Shop, they will write up a pawn loan, and buy and trade amounts on the actual value of the item being pawned.
Several factors go into the price we pay to buy and loan for bags. Designer, age, style, condition inside and out of the bag, hardware, stampings, stitching, and direct comparison with fashion sites. The pawnbrokers research the item’s current value, taking in the current condition and their ability to sell on the open market. Sometimes the shop does extensive research by reaching out to niche appraisers in our large network of partners.
All the items they sell are authenticated through various proven strategies upon purchase or loan, along with specific internal procedures and processes. Some of the bags come with certificates of authenticity from Entropy, typically those purchased for inventory such as; Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada.
Additionally, the staff reviews and inspects each item for the following characteristics to verify authenticity: Stampings, Font, Symmetry, Hardware, Stitching, Serial Numbers, Date Codes, Overall Workmanship, Materials, Lining Analysis, and Direct Comparison.
Although all handbags are uniquely beautiful, they take a wide range of handbags, wallets, totes, duffels, backpacks & shoulder bags.
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